About me

Hey folks, I am Subhendu Dash, who loves to tinker around wide variety of stuffs in tech such as web development, both front-end and back-end, a bit of machine learning and sometimes DSA and fundamentals of backend engineering too.

I am a final year electrical engineering student in VIT Chennai. But my passion in computer stuffs has a long history. It started back in 2015 when I was in 8th grade. I was introduced to to Python on how to build a simple GUI by my friend. Believe me, I didn't understand a thing back then, what is canvas in tkinter, frames, etc. I didn't even think that I will encounter with Python again in 11th grade. Started with Python, I entered the programming world, and I am still exploring it.

I love to draw cartoons and solve Rubik's cube occaionally ;) I will share my artworks real soon!

That's all for now😊